ISD Consultants
Solutions Through Understanding

About ISD Consultants
The surge of activity in the European market has slowed as the roll out of EMV cards and Point of Sale equipment becomes 'business as usual'. Other regions are just starting their migrations and they can benefit from the experience gained in Europe and particularly the UK. The EMV infrastructure creates opportunities that are now being explored with non-financial products beginning to emerge, contactless cards and NFC {Near Field Communications] are displacing traditioanl payment methods. Far from slowing down, we are about to see another surge of activity with new and interesting products and services. As independent EFT consultants; ISD Consultants can bring years of experience, in the payments industry, to help you explore these opportunities for your business without the constraints of an acquirer or scheme agenda."
Nick Green

About Nick Green
Nick Green has been a key player in the UK payment industry with 30 years experience. After 15 years in the communications industry specialising in data communications and networks. He joined Barclaycard in 1983 [then the UK’s only Visa acquirer] to manage their authorisation terminal estate. He managed Barclaycard’s installation of the first electronic data capture terminals in the UK in 1986 and the Barclaycard PDQ brand has become the accepted name for all point of sale terminals in the UK.
He has been active in the UK EMV programme since 1994 and in the Chip and PIN at Point of Sale migration. This resulted in his secondment to the UK Chip and PIN Programme Management Office in 2002 as the assistant to the Technical Director. Nick has extensive knowledge of and involvement with the UK Association for Payment Clearing Services standards [APACS60 (editor), APACS30/40 & APACS70 (past chairman – and Technical Secretary) and APACS50/29 (past deputy chairman)].
Note: APACS has changed its name to The UK Cards Association.
He has presented the UK EMV Experience at seminars in the UK, Athens, Dublin, Sofia, Istanbul and Bahrain. As a Consultant within Barclaycard Merchant Services, he supported internal teams and retailers in preparation for EMV. Nick, in co-operation with Vodafone, is responsible for the development of the electronic mobile phone top-up concept and subsequent service. He was also responsible for designing and developing Barclaycard Business’ Dynamic Currency Conversion terminal application.
Now an independent consultant in the EFT and EMV environment supporting acquirers, card issuers, retailers, EFT software vendors and terminal vendors in the implementation of EMV, Chip and PIN and transaction-based solutions. Nick is also working with companies developing pre-paid /gift card products and with companies developing innovative products and services that utilise the new transaction infrastructure both in the UK and continental Europe.
Although no longer an active member of the UK standards groups and industry working parties he remains in close contact with the key players in the industry. For a copy of Nick Green’s CV in Adobe PDF format click here.